Former Prolific Shoplifter Turns Life Around with Pioneering Treatment

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A once-prolific shoplifter, Keeley Knowles, who spent nearly 30 years funding her heroin addiction through theft, has turned her life around thanks to a groundbreaking treatment supported by Birmingham’s police force.

Keeley, in her 40s, admitted to stealing designer goods worth millions over the years, but since receiving the monthly Buvidal injection, an opioid blocker, she has remained offence-free for 10 months.

Now, Keeley is giving back by helping others struggling with addiction, supporting police teams, and even applying to become a probation peer mentor.

PC Stuart Toogood, part of the Offender to Recovery team, highlighted the transformative impact of the treatment, describing Keeley as “amazing” in her commitment to change. This innovative approach is not only helping to reduce crime but also offering hope for a better future for those battling addiction.

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