Image by BeansandSausages from Pixabay

Birmingham one of 119 cities worldwide named as climate action leaders

Birmingham has been recognised as one of 119 cities across the globe that is taking bold leadership on environmental action and transparency.

Globally-recognised non-profit environment impact group CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) annually publishes its ‘A List’ – cities that build climate momentum, taking four times as many climate mitigation and adaptation measures as non-A Listers.

Only 13% of cities that were scored in 2023 received an A score; the city previously had a B rating.

Designed to encourage and support cities to ramp up their climate action and ambition, CDP’s Cities A List is based on environmental data disclosed by cities to CDP-ICLEI Track.

To score an A, among other actions, a city must disclose publicly through CDP-ICLEI Track, have a city-wide emissions inventory and have published a climate action plan. It must also complete a climate risk and vulnerability assessment and the council’s production of one for the city will have been a key factor in reaching A status. Many A-List cities are also taking a variety of other leadership actions, including political commitment to tackle climate change.

Cllr Majid Mahmood, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “It is fantastic to see this recognition from such a respected global organisation and it reflects the hard work across the council and city.

“The city council declared a climate emergency in 2019, committing us to take action to reduce the city’s carbon emissions and limit the climate crisis, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

“While we can only directly control our own emissions, we can also use our wide-ranging powers to influence others and we are actively engaging with businesses and citizens, with a series of events to coincide with COP28.

“One of the key factors is heating of buildings, which account for around two thirds of greenhouse gas emissions across Birmingham, with the majority of emissions resulting from the burning of gas for space and water heating. Alongside efforts to support building decarbonisation across the city, the council is developing and delivering programmes to help decarbonise its own assets and housing stock.

“The climate crisis is one of the single biggest challenges facing our city and we know there is much more to do, so we will work with everyone – our citizens, neighbourhoods, and businesses – to build a greener, healthier and fairer future for all.”


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