Birmingham schoolboy reunited with stolen bike

This is the lovely moment officer were able to reunite a schoolboy with his bike shortly after it was snatched from him in a Birmingham park.

Young Jasper was in Kings Heath Park at around 4.30 pm on Sunday (12 June) when two teenagers wearing face coverings grabbed the mountain bike and made off.

Police sent officers to the park hoping to find the teens and the bike but despite an extensive search there was no sign of the offenders.

As part of our enquiries we kept tabs on our police logs and noticed two hours later that a suspicious member of the public had called to say they’d been offered a bike.

Police paid them a visit and were delighted to find it was the 11-year-old’s stolen bike.

Later that evening officers popped to the family home in Birmingham to reunite the boy with his beloved bike.

He was clearly relieved and delighted to have the bike back.

It’s moments like this that make policing such a rewarding job.

Our enquiries into the theft are underway and officers are reviewing CCTV around the park.


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