Church gunman suspect arrested after flat raid

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Police have arrested a man in connection with a firearms alert earlier today when a man was seen waving a gun around in a Walsall church.

Several people contacted Police this morning to report a man inside St Paul’s Church, Darwall Street, brandishing what appeared to be a handgun.

Armed officers were deployed to the area and the police helicopter lifted in a bid to locate the man.

Officers quickly secured and publicised a CCTV image of the suspect.

The appeal prompted further sightings and together with local enquiries in the area led Police to a flat in Sandwell Street, Walsall, where a suspect was arrested just before 8pm.

A 24-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of possessing a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence; he is being transported to police custody.

Force Incident Manager, Chief Inspector Steve Radford, said: “I’d like to thank everyone who responded to our appeal and provided information. It helped Police identify a suspect and an address which Police then contained with armed officers.

“Police are currently in the process of searching the flat.

“I’d like to praise the professionalism of all the officers involved who have brought this incident to a safe conclusion.”

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