Naiem Malik Suleman - WMP image

Delivery driver rapist is jailed for nine and a half years

A 52-year-old fast food delivery driver has been jailed for nine and a half years for raping a woman in Coventry.

After the 22-year-old woman split up from her friends on a night out in the city, Naiem Malik Suleman offered her a lift in his car.

But instead of taking her home, he raped her in the early hours of 19 January last year.

Later when she arrived home she was wearing a jacket which had on it the logo of the delivery firm Suleman worked for.  She also had bruising round her neck and scrapes and scratches on her knees.

Suleman, of no fixed address, denied rape but forensic evidence from her clothes linked him to the crime and he was convicted in November.

On Monday (1 February) he was jailed for nine years and six months at Warwick Crown Court and will remain on the sex offenders register for life.

DC Becci Jones, from our Public Protection Unit, said: “This was a truly awful crime committed against a young woman on a night out.

“But it is down to the bravery of that young woman in coming forward and reporting it to us that Suleman is now locked up.

“Despite having to face him during the trial she has remained courageous and dignified throughout, with our specially trained officers able to support her during both the police investigation and the court case.

“We hope this sentencing brings her some closure and wish her well for the future.”

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