Easter weekend could bring hottest UK temperatures of the year so far

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Highs of up to 22C expected in some areas, with dry conditions forecast for most of the country

Warm weather is due to continue throughout the week, with dry conditions expected for most of the country ahead of the bank holiday.

Powered by Guardian.co.ukThis article titled “Easter weekend could bring hottest UK temperatures of the year so far” was written by Tobi Thomas, for The Guardian on Monday 11th April 2022 17.05 UTC

Easter weekend could bring the hottest temperatures of the year so far across the UK, with highs of up to 22C in some areas, weather forecasters have said.

Warm weather is due to continue throughout the week, with dry conditions expected for most of the country ahead of the bank holiday.

Annie Shuttleworth, a Met Office meterologist, said that despite the heat, the north-west of England would also experience some lingering cloud, making eastern areas the best destination for sun-seekers over the weekend.

“If people are travelling for sunshine, then further eastern areas are more likely to see that brighter weather,” she said.

“I think in the main for the bank holiday weekend, we’ll see temperatures quite widely above average across the UK and hopefully they could be very warm in the south-east in particular. Warmer than average certainly, but nowhere near heatwave criteria. It will definitely be warmer than the week we’ve just had and last week.”

The warmest temperature recorded so far this year has been 20.8C, meaning that the temperature highs predicted for the south-east over the Easter weekend would set a new record for 2022.

Shuttleworth added: “We’ll see temperatures generally come up through the week. [On Monday] we’re seeing highs of 18, then from Thursday onwards temperatures could reach 20, 21, quite possibly 22.

“Across southern and eastern areas we’re more likely to see some sunshine and clearer skies in the afternoon.”

The warmest weather during the week is expected to be across Kent and Surrey, whereas temperatures in regions across the West Country are expected to be slightly lower. The coldest weather in the UK in the upcoming week is expected across the north of England and Scotland.

The early part of the week will also see some windy conditions, with a chance that gust of winds could reach up to 60mph.

Later in the week, some drizzly rain is expected across the north-west along with cloudy conditions, although this is not expected to cause disruption. The rainy showers are expected to be the heaviest in the west and north-west, with a chance of some thunder.

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