Jail for dealer who took drugs hotline to theme park

Police have closed down another County Line and secured a jail sentence for the man behind a Crack Cocaine and Heroin supply chain.

Video footage shows the moment officers forced entry to Mohammed Arslan Ali’s Birmingham home during an early morning raid.

Police found Ali in bed trying to scratch the number off the drugs hotline’s SIM card in a desperate bid to distance himself from his County Line – known as the SHAK Line – which supplied Class A drugs from Birmingham into Worcestershire.

Police investigation revealed the 25-year-old sent out frequent bulk marketing messages to more than 100 users advertising drugs for sale.

One read “new fire gear, new stone” and another “very gud gear, gud stone” in clear references to the drugs available from 9am till 9pm, daily.

Data analysis showed the County Line was often with Ali as he had taken the line phone to places such as, London and Alton Towers!

When police executed the drugs warrant officers found a quantity of Class A drugs, dealer bags, cash and items of high value clothing and jewellery, despite him having no legitimately declared income.

He went on to admit drugs supply between 25 April and 4 November last year and at Birmingham Crown Court on 21 April was jailed for five years.

Investigating officer, DC Ollie Payne, from the West Midlands Regional Organised Crime Unit (ROCU) County Lines Taskforce said Ali accepted supplying 1kg of drugs but we suspected the actual amount to be significantly more.

DC Ollie Payne said: “The drugs line had been used with numerous mobile devices and the primary device recovered from Ali’s home address during the warrant.

“We suspect he used drugs runners to carry out the street deals on his behalf while he tried to distance himself from the dirty work.

“It’s shocking that Ali was running a drugs supply line from his family home and dealing in crack cocaine and heroin around children.

“We have a dedicated team targeting County Lines. It’s really important work: offenders can ruin lives by grooming impressionable children and young people into drugs gangs.”


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