Man arrested on suspicion of assault in Birmingham city centre

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Police have #arrested a man following an assault in #Hurst Street, Birmingham yesterday evening (24 May).

At around 6pm officers received 999 calls to say that a disorder was happening in a pub near to the #Arcadian.

When officers arrived they were told that a man had assaulted several people inside the pub and had left the scene.

Officers searched Birmingham city centre and, at around 7pm, arrested a 23-year-old man on suspicion of wounding and assault. Police are treating the incident as a hate crime.

Three men aged 30, 31 and 34 are believed to have been assaulted and their injuries are not believed to be serious or life-threatening.

The assault comes as officers begin our policing and partner operation for Birmingham Pride this weekend.

Chief Inspector Richard Evans, from Birmingham police, said: ” We will not tolerate hate crime in our city.

“Birmingham Pride is one of the largest Pride events in the country and is now in its 27th year and people should be able to visit the city without fear of being subjected to violence and threats.

“Planning for Pride takes place months in advance and the operation involves firearms teams, traffic officers, drones teams, sniffer dogs, neighbourhood officers and volunteer officers known as special constables.

“The focus is to provide a highly visible presence around the Pride site, to make people feel safe and to prevent crime.

“We take hate crime very seriously and would encourage people to come forward if they’ve experienced a hate crime.

“While we’d prefer victims to come to us directly, we know that for a variety of reasons, some people do not want to speak with officers preferring to report crimes anonymously or not at all.

“The Loft in Birmingham has become a hate crime reporting centre for the region’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities.

“At The Loft, anybody reporting hate crime can do so discreetly, in a safe environment. Guided by trained members of staff, victims of hate crime will now have a dedicated point of contact and be able to provide valuable feedback, both through reporting and observations.

“This hub is part of a wider piece of work to stamp out hate crime, whilst increasing trust between the community and the police.”

If you have experienced a hate crime or incident because of your sexual orientation and/or transgender identity, we’re here to support you.

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