More than 100 vehicles were pulled over during a traffic operation in Birmingham

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#NotComingHome | More than 100 vehicles were pulled over during a traffic operation in Birmingham as part of our #NotComingHome campaign.

Police are raising awareness of the devastating impact of drink driving during the Euros, with increased patrols and operations in the region to catch those who are putting others at risk.

As part of our increased activity, WMP conducted a traffic operation in two locations on 20 June in Birmingham to identify any offenders and educate motorists around drink or drug driving.

Across the two locations police stopped 108 vehicles and all motorists who were breathalysed or drugs swiped provided a negative result.

Police seized seven vehicles for either no insurance, licence or tax.

Five people were arrested for non-drink driving offences such as recall to prison and immigration offences.

This also included a man in his 20s who ran from officers when the vehicle he was driving was pulled into the check site.

However, after a foot chase, police caught up with him and he was detained.

He was subsequently charged with driving while disqualified and failing to stop and was remanded in custody to appear at court today.

Sgt Adrian Brown from our Road Harm Prevention Team said: “It was a really successful operation with many vehicles pulled over and road side drink tests and drug tests conducted.

“We know that historically drink drivers have an appetite for risk which means they may also not be insured to drive the vehicle or are already disqualified from driving.

“This summer, we will be using a host of tactics to catch those people who selfishly get behind the wheel when they have taken drugs or drunk alcohol.

“We’re committed to taking strong action to keep everyone safe on our roads.”

Our #NotComingHome campaign features ‘Harry’s Story’ shared by a heartbroken family who lost their son and brother to a reckless drink driver.

This emotive and powerful story serves as a stark reminder that one bad decision can destroy lives and have lifelong consequences.

If you’re heading down the pub to watch the Euros this weekend, make sure you have a safe plan for getting home after the game.
Pre-book a taxi, designate a driver or stay over at a friend’s place for the night.

See a friend who’s had too much to drink and insists on driving? Don’t let them get behind the wheel. Take away their keys and help them get home safe. Your intervention could save their life and the lives of others on the road.

If you suspect someone is drink or drug driving regularly, it’s important you that you report it to us. In an emergency, call 999.

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