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Muslim-majority Tajikistan bans hijab, regulates Eid festivities

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This week, Tajikistan’s parliament passed a landmark bill officially banning the wearing of hijabs and other Islamic garments and regulating Eid celebrations.

The legislation, approved by the upper house, Majlisi Milli, on June 19, formalizes a decade-long informal crackdown on Islamic attire in the Muslim-majority nation.

Under the new law, individuals found wearing hijabs or other prohibited religious clothing face hefty fines of up to 7,920 somonis (approximately $700). Businesses permitting such attire for employees could incur penalties of 39,500 somonis ($3,500). Government officials and religious leaders face even steeper fines ranging from 54,000 to 57,600 somonis ($4,800-$5,100) for violations.

Additionally, the bill restricts children from participating in the traditional festivities and gift exchanges associated with the Islamic holidays of Eidul Fitr and Eidul Azha. Government representatives argue these measures aim to ensure children’s proper education and safety during the holidays.

In recent years, Tajikistan has witnessed an increase in Islamic clothing from the Middle East, which authorities associate with extremism and a perceived threat to the nation’s cultural identity. President Emomali Rahmon labeled the hijab as “foreign clothing” in March, advocating for the promotion of traditional Tajik national dress instead.

This new law marks a significant escalation in Tajikistan’s control over Islamic attire. Since 2007, the hijab has been banned in schools, with the restriction later extended to all public institutions. Authorities have also discouraged men from growing bushy beards, with reports of police forcibly shaving thousands of men over the past decade.

Human rights organizations have condemned Tajikistan’s hijab ban, viewing it as a violation of religious freedom. Given that Muslims constitute over 98% of the population, the new law is expected to face substantial opposition within the country.

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