Solihull Council elects Councillor Shahin Ashraf MBE as 71st Mayor

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Councillor Shahin Ashraf MBE, who has represented the Shirley South ward for the past five years, was elected as the 71st Mayor of Solihull on Tuesday 14 May 2024. Her term will run from 2024 to 2025.

As a local councillor, Ashraf serves on various committees including the Standing Advisory Committee on Religious Education, Corporate Parenting Board, Governance committee, Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and Solihull Health & Wellbeing board.

Elected to the authority in 2018, Ashraf also served as the Deputy Leader of the Green Party within the Council. She will be supported in her role by her husband, Jehangir Malik OBE, as the Mayor’s consort.

Expressing gratitude for her appointment, Councillor Shahin Ashraf stated:

“It is an honour to be appointed as the Mayor of Solihull. As Mayor, I will be your representative and I can’t wait to celebrate the fantastic community we have here in Solihull. I look forward to engaging with the people, groups, and voluntary organisations across the borough that go above and beyond to support those in need. I sit here deeply humbled and I promise to serve the borough with dedication and integrity.”

The Mayor of the Solihull Council is elected annually by the Council from among the elected councillors.The primary role of a Mayor is to preside over meetings of the Council. If they are not present at any meeting of the council, then the Deputy Mayor must preside. The Mayor must have a full knowledge of the provisions of standing orders but they can normally consult the Chief Executive. The decision on the interpretation of standing orders and on any questions not provided for is final.

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