Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Two visitors allowed in care homes to reunite with loved ones

Care home residents to be allowed a second regular visitor indoors, with tests required before entry and PPE provided.

Care home residents in England will be able to receive 2 visitors indoors from Monday 12 April as Covid restrictions continue to be cautiously eased.   Regular visits are being extended from one to 2 people under carefully designed conditions to prevent transmission of Covid-19.

Visitors will be asked to provide a negative test result and wear PPE during the visit to keep themselves, staff, and residents safe.

In the coming weeks, as testing capacity continues to increase, some visitors will be able to conduct tests at home, rather than at care homes, to help manage the flow of visitors and allow more visits to take place.

Visitors who are parents will also be able to visit with babies and very young children, who will not count as one of the visitors.

This means grandparents and great-grandparents will be able to meet the newest members of their families for the first time.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:

“Reuniting family and friends has been a priority each time restrictions have eased, and the next step will be no different.

“I’m particularly pleased to allow residents to have more visitors, including grandchildren, given the isolation and concern felt by so many this past year.

“Thanks to the tireless work of care home staff, and the success of the vaccine rollout, we’re able to increase the number of visits in a safe and controlled way.”

The drop-in community infection rates, and the successful rollout of vaccinations in care homes, means the increase in visiting planned in the roadmap can go ahead as long as infection prevention and control measures remain in place.

Further opportunities for relatives and contacts to have outdoor, pod, and screen visits will continue in line with the published guidance which has been in place during a lockdown.


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