image: Sandwell Council

Warning as Covid-19 infection rates double local average in Hateley Heath ward

People living and working in the Hateley Heath area of West Bromwich are being warned to take extra care – as Covid-19 rates in the ward increase.

The rate of infection in Hateley Heath ward is 216 per 100,000 people, which is more than twice the average rate for Sandwell (83 per 100,000) as a whole. There have been 33 new cases in the last seven days of data (17-23 March) among people living in the area.

Hateley Heath ward is part of the wider West Bromwich area, with the Tame Valley canal to the north and the Expressway/All Saints Way to the south. The ward includes Hydes Road, Hall Green Road, Mill Pool Green Space, Clarkes Lane, Jowetts Lane, the area to the west of Heath Lane Cemetery and the area to the east of Jesson playing fields.

Anyone showing symptoms must self-isolate and book a Covid-19 test online or by calling 119.

Dr Lisa McNally, Sandwell’s director of public health, said: “In recent weeks, Sandwell has seen one of the fastest falls in Covid-19 case rates in the country. This is a great achievement by the local community.

“Recently, however, we seen a sharp rise in infection within the Hateley Heath area.”

The graph below shows the infection rate for all areas of Sandwell.

image: Sandwell Council


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