Will Your Vehicle Receive a New Wolverhampton PHV Plate? Council issued new information

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The Wolverhampton City Council has issued new information regarding emission restrictions and answered frequently asked questions. Here’s what you need to know:

**How frequently will ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEV) require an MOT?**
– ULEV Private Hire Vehicles require annual MOT testing up to 10 years of age and six-monthly MOT testing from 10 years.

**Has the age limit for licensed vehicles been removed?**
– No, the age limit has only been removed for vehicles with emissions of less than 75g of carbon dioxide (CO₂) per kilometre (km) – this includes zero emission and ultra-low emission vehicles (typically electric vehicles).

**How do I know if a vehicle is ultra-low emission?**
– You can check the vehicle’s registration at [vehicle enquiry service]( If the CO₂ emissions are listed as less than 75g/km (i.e. 0g – 74g), it is an ultra-low emission vehicle.
– The exception to this is imported vehicles which show the value of 0g but list a fuel type other than ‘ELECTRICITY’ or ‘FUEL CELL ELECTRIC’. These vehicles are not ultra-low emission and will only be licensed until they are 12 years old.

**My imported vehicle’s V5 certificate shows 0g of CO₂ per kilometre, but I know it is not an ultra-low emission vehicle. Is it exempt from the age limit?**
– No, the age limit of 12 years still applies in this case because the vehicle is not actually ultra-low emission, as the V5 is not correctly recording the emissions.

**My currently licensed vehicle is not ULEV. Can I continue renewing my licence until the car turns 12?**
– Yes, the last six months licence will be issued when it is 11 ½ years old.

**Can I purchase a 14-year-old ULEV and apply for a new vehicle licence with it?**
– Yes.

**Can the MOT certificate be from a garage not on the Council’s approved list?**
– The approved stations list no longer exists. The MOT certificate required for vehicle applications can be supplied from any registered MOT station in the country.

**Our subsidiary company includes an MOT station. Does this mean we can MOT our own cars?**
– Yes.

**What is the current age limit on vehicles?**
– If the vehicle is ultra-low emission (<75g CO₂/km), there is no age limit.
– If the emissions are 75g CO₂/km or more, the age limit is 12 years.

**I am unable to locate the emission level of my vehicle as it has been imported and this information is not listed on the logbook. What do I need to do?**
– Request the emissions report from the MOT station for presentation with your application or provide evidence of that vehicle model’s emissions.

**Do I still have to use door operator signs?**
– No, these are prohibited.

**Can I remove the window stickers with the no smoking signs on?**
– No.

**There isn’t enough space to display an A4 sign on my vehicle, even on the window.**
– A4 is the maximum size. If you are unable to display signage of this size, ask your operator for a smaller sign.

**Does the <75g CO₂/km limit apply to hybrid cars?**
– Some hybrid vehicles have <75g CO₂/km and some do not. You should check your V5 registration in the first instance.

For further details, visit the Wolverhampton City Council’s official website.

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